Victims' Resources
A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors
Find information on resources available for seniors in Ontario, including tax credits, health, caregiving, housing, transportation and staying safe.
Online Guide to Programs and Services for SeniorsCanadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime
As a victim of fraud, it is important to know you are not alone and what happened to you is not your fault. These resources can help guide you in your recovery.
This PDF document is a useful tool for victims of fraud. It includes definitions of fraud, information about victims, types of scams and tips to identify potential fraud. Please note there are real victim stories within the document; be kind to yourself and seek support if you need it.
Helping Victims of Fraud Recover211 Ontario
211 quickly and confidentially connects people to social services and community programs across the province. Call or text 2-1-1. Email:
211 OntarioCounselling and Other Services
Being a victim of fraud can affect many aspects of your life. It is important to remember that everyone experiences the effects of fraud differently and there are a variety of ways that victims may react. The impacts of fraud on your life are not limited to financial loss; you may experience emotional and psychological effects as well. Emotional, financial and legal supports are available for you.
Many employers have employee assistance programs that may provide free counselling (with a visit limit). Check with your employer, your benefits, and/or union/association to see if an employee assistance program is available to you.
The cost of mental health support is covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) when a referral is made by a medical professional such as a family doctor to a psychiatrist. OHIP does not cover referrals to psychologists or social workers.
Find a Doctor or Nurse PractitionerVictim Support Line
Call the Victim Support Line, toll-free at 1 888 579-2888 (or at 1 416 314-2447 in the Toronto area) to find information and referrals to services that help victims of crime in your community. The multilingual line provides services across Ontario, in most languages spoken in the province.
Victim Support LineVictim Services Directory – Ministry of the Attorney General
You can search for counselling referrals in your area using this services search directory. There are referrals for counselling, housing, safety planning, and more.
Victim Services DirectoryLegal Help
The Ministry of Attorney General
Please visit the webpage for the Ministry of the Attorney General to learn more about the court system, including small claims court and criminal court.
Learn More About the Ontario Court SystemLaw Society Referral Service
If you require legal services and need some direction, contact the Law Society Referral Service at 1 800 268-8326. They can provide you with a 30-minute free consultation to speak about your rights and options.
Law Society Referral ServicePro Bono Ontario Services
Pro Bono Ontario Services provides free support to those who need assistance navigating Court System, particularly for those who are self-represented. The Legal Advice Hotline is 1 855 255-7256.
Pro Bono Ontario ServicesAdvocacy Centre for the Elderly
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) is a community legal clinic staffed by experienced lawyers and legal support workers for low-income seniors across the province. In addition to working on systemic issues that impact many older adults, ACE also provides direct services to seniors who live in the Greater Toronto Area and meet their eligibility criteria. ACE is the first and oldest legal clinic in Canada to specialize in the legal problems of seniors.
Advocacy Centre for the ElderlySmall Claims Court – Steps to Justice
Steps to Justice has created a helpful question and answer page relating to Small Claims Court.
Small Claims Court – Steps to JusticeRestitution
Victims' Right to Seek Restitution
The Government of Canada webpage provides a brief overview of the right to seek restitution, including what losses a judge can order restitution for, and a helpful factsheet about the court process relating to restitution.
Victims' Rights - Right to Seek RestitutionFinancial Services
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada webpage has information about rights and interests of consumers or financial products and services. There are links to information about managing money, making complaints, managing debt, and other helpful resources.
Financial Consumer Agency of CanadaCompetition Bureau Canada
The Competition Bureau is an independent law enforcement agency ensuring that markets operate competitively and in an innovative manner.
Competition Bureau CanadaCredit Reporting Agencies
TransUnion (Canada)
1 800 663-9980 (English)
1 877 713-3393 (French)
Equifax (Canada)
1 800 465-7166